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Taking our classes online

Hello Yogis

As you all know our regular Tuesday’s yoga class at Rooftop Studios, Stone has temporarily closed during the lockdown.

But the good news is, I’m taking our classes online. I want everyone to have the ability to keep practising yoga, especially at this tricky time!

I feel it is even more important to keep practising, to give ourselves some head space to re-balance ourselves and ground ourselves in these challenging times.

How to get practising online

I will running all online classes via the Zoom App.

It’s very easy to use, even I managed it! Here are a few simple steps

  • Book into a class online
  • After submitting your booking you will receive an email with instructions on how to join the online class
  • Follow the instructions to download the App and join the class at the scheduled time

Classes are donation based

As I’m moving to online classes temporarily whilst we are on lockdown, I’d like to offer our Yoga practice to everyone, as such, I will be moving to a donation option vs the normal set charge for our studio classes.

All classes are donation based, please donate what you can. If you are not in a position to donate, that is fine, just come and flow. There is no judgement from me, I just want us to keep up the practise of yoga, looking after our wellbeing. 

Donating via PayPal

Donating via Bank Transfer

Account NameDonna Phelan
Sort Code01 08 32
Account Number14769859

Useful tips

  • A laptop or iPad is ideal so you can see the video feed easily
  • Try to join close to the scheduled time
  • Your video feed will be disabled automatically, if you decide to enable it, everyone else can see you
  • Join with audio so you can hear me
  • I’ll mute everyone just before the class starts

Get started

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